As a small charity run by two people and focusing on the less glamorous species we find we have very little time for fundraising and little success in attracting sponsorship. There aren’t too many grant making bodies who will support an organisation campaigning for better treatment of ‘vermin’! But we know we’re not alone in our passionate belief that ALL animals deserve fair treatment no matter what their size or species so we rely entirely on the generosity of those who share our views to keep going.
We use PayPal to manage our donations. You don’t, however, need a PayPal account to contribute. Just choose the ‘Donate with Debit or Credit Card’ option after you’ve clicked the button above. Like all payment processors, PayPal does charge a fee. You will be given the option to cover this fee for us if you so choose.
Alternatively, to donate without any fees you can
– login in to your PayPal account, and send money directly to using the ‘friends and family’ option.
– make a bank transfer or standing order using these details – Account No: 65718081, Sort Code: 089299. Please use your name as the reference.
– send us a cheque. Please email for our address.
Either way, we are very grateful for your support.
You can make your donation go even further by completing a Gift Aid Declaration here, enabling us to claim back 25p for every £1 you donate, at no extra cost to you.
Thanks, your test request has been received.
Please now post the sample to:
Starlight Trust, 63 Tharp Road, Wallington, Surrey, SM6 8LG.
We will be in touch once the sample arrives with us.