Make a purchase from our Wishlist
Our Amazon wishlist contains items we need such as animal feed, bedding, and pigeon poo testing supplies. You can view our list and have items sent to us directly at
Support us through eBay for charity.
eBay for Charity is an easy way for buyers and sellers on to support their favourite charities. When you sell an item, you can choose to donate a percentage of the sale to us and add Gift Aid too. Select us as your favourite charity and, when you buy through eBay, you’ll be asked if you would like to make a donation at the same time. From time to time, we will also sell items ourselves, all of the proceeds from which will fund our work. Find out more at
You can sign up to support us on Easyfundraising and then, when you shop online, we’ll get a percentage of what you spend at no cost to you.
Follow and Share
If you’re on Facebook, find us at where you can share details of our animals with your friends.
We’re also on Twitter and Instagram as @starlighttrust though we’re less active on those platforms.
Thanks, your test request has been received.
Please now post the sample to:
Starlight Trust, 63 Tharp Road, Wallington, Surrey, SM6 8LG.
We will be in touch once the sample arrives with us.